Franchise Fusion: How A Serial Entrepreneur Meshed Passion and Profit To Start A Franchise From Scratch

21.06.23 06:33 PM - By Stacey Riska

👍Maybe you have a great product or service and you’re wondering how to grow and scale the business. Could franchising be a good option? What’s involved? What are the advantages? What are the roadblocks?

💰All of these questions and more are answered in this episode of What’s Your Next.

You’ll hear from Denise Lawrence a #femalegogetter who after 36 years in the non-profit world decided to start and launch a national franchise.

📈 She shares what was involved in doing this, lessons learned, and what her next is.

🏆Get your notepad ready because this episode is full of inspiration and actionable tips.

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What's Your Next? - Podcast


 Author Bio

I’m Stacey Riska aka “Small Business Stacey”, your franchise placement specialist. I help aspiring business owners find the PERFECT franchise so they can get to the next level in life and business.
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Stacey Riska